Balamb garden, a place that many people saw and called home. A place that had many students who would train hard to become a part of Balamb's secret army. The mighty SeeDs. The indestructible hope and future of Balamb. Students would train hard in the training center to come stronger. However, there was one student who wanted to do a solo training session. Minutes later the slaying of many beasts were heard. Blood was all over the floor and the wall. Many would think this would disgust the man, but instead of being the disgusted by the sensations of the slayings he welcomed it. This man was Seifer Almasy.
Seifer Almasy was an 18 year old proud member of the Disclipinary commitee of Balamb. To the contrary, Seifer disliked rules and liked to fight by his rules and no one else's. Seifer had set goals for himself. He called them dreams. There was one dream that stood out more than the rest it was nicknamed his "romantic dream". The dream stated that he would one day find love. The love that would make him stronger and better then any amount of training could do. Seifer needed to find that love it was almost an obsession to him. He had heard that love could sometimes change a man into a different person. Change the man for the good. Seifer liked that idea, if there was a woman who could help him be a better person he would find her.
Seifer set off through the hallways of Balamb and prepared to see if there were any missions for him. Although not a proper SeeD. Seifer was considered a great asset to Seed, because of his incredible skills with his weapon the gunblade. Not many could wield the gunblade. t was a very rare and strange weapon. Part gun, part sword. Used for close and long range combat. This weapon also had the unique ability to junction magic too it. That was the secret and the trump card to the mighty gunblade. Seifer saw several missions needed his assistance. He knew that sooner or later he would be on a mission that would help him fulfill his "romantic dream". The quest of Seifer Almasy was about to begin.